a_bow_but - BISON??
12/21/07 4:38pm
Anyone else wondering how he is doing and if his hunt was a success?
Hope he makes it back before Christmas. :)
Hope he makes it back before Christmas. :)
Thanks for thinking of me I wish that all of you cold come along for the fun and to help pack out the meat. :))
Knock em dead!
After arguing about it for almost an hour she convinced me that she will be OK till the end of my hunt and told me to go anyway. (Got to love a woman that is that understanding) I'm not to happy about it but trying to argue with her is like arguing with a cop that he is wrong. Neither one is a good idea. So I'm really hoping to tag out fast so that I can get home to take care of my wife.
I'll try to keep you abreast of the situation and hope for the best.
It been quite an adventure so far and it will take me forever to try and type it all out.
I'm on my way back down tomarrow to continue the adventure and if I'm lucky we will all survive the trip especialy the horses.
Ill be very sad :)
I'm calling off the hunt to stay with my wife and help her after her surgery. I didn't sleep almost all night thinking of what to do. Once that I had decided to stay I felt so much better that I didn't have any trouble going back to sleep so I know in my heart that it was the right decision.
I had a real good time and I wouldn't have changed a thing with the whole hunt. I got to spend time out in some real neat country with my wife, brother and my nephew chasing some real big animals. Story still to come.
so you've finally discovered the difference between hunting and shopping!
Peace in your heart and the love of your wife are worth 1000 buffalo!
Heck, just having the opportunity to chase those Buffs is more than most of us will ever have.
Take care and and good luck to your wife on a speedy recovery.