A couple deer I chased this year
1/9/13 9:26pm
Hey everyone, I haven't been on much lately but thought I would share some trail cam pics of a couple bucks that I was chasing this year. I'm just waiting for my buddy to send me some more trail cam pics of some of the other bucks but here are a couple pics of the biggest deer. Anyone want to throw out a guess on score?

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/151.jpg " alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/151.jpg " alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/deer3.png " alt="" />
Here is another big guy that we chased around a bit but he got pretty beat up near the end of the year and was missing a lot of his antlers. I am hoping to get some trail cam pictures of him soon. These are just still frames from my video I took of him. Had him at 60 twice but couldn't get closer. All of these deer are in bow only zones. Looks like he has around a 8: drop.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/Muley3.jpg " alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/muley1.jpg " alt="" />

Here is another big guy that we chased around a bit but he got pretty beat up near the end of the year and was missing a lot of his antlers. I am hoping to get some trail cam pictures of him soon. These are just still frames from my video I took of him. Had him at 60 twice but couldn't get closer. All of these deer are in bow only zones. Looks like he has around a 8: drop.

SWEET bucks, you have chased some Giants around. Look forward to more pics.
Here is one of the other bucks we saw. I had him at 60-70 yards coming in on me than a yearling steer decided to run after him and chase him away.
Hard to tell how many points he has on each side? But I think you might have a 200" class buck right there though.
I would say 200 + what a nice buck and some great pics thank for sharing.
Poachers are lousy!