A couple deer I chased this year

Hey everyone, I haven't been on much lately but thought I would share some trail cam pics of a couple bucks that I was chasing this year. I'm just waiting for my buddy to send me some more trail cam pics of some of the other bucks but here are a couple pics of the biggest deer. Anyone want to throw out a guess on score?

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/151.jpg" alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/151.jpg" alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/deer3.png" alt="" />

Here is another big guy that we chased around a bit but he got pretty beat up near the end of the year and was missing a lot of his antlers. I am hoping to get some trail cam pictures of him soon. These are just still frames from my video I took of him. Had him at 60 twice but couldn't get closer. All of these deer are in bow only zones. Looks like he has around a 8: drop.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/Muley3.jpg" alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/muley1.jpg" alt="" />
Holy crap, that looks like fun. :)

SWEET bucks, you have chased some Giants around. Look forward to more pics.
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Ooops I meant to post this for the first deer, not the double post.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/002.jpg" alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/BDCDDFDE-9601-466A-8CB8-F2E6691AA157-15454-00000D6B672E4043.jpg" alt="" />

Here is one of the other bucks we saw. I had him at 60-70 yards coming in on me than a yearling steer decided to run after him and chase him away.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/8E78218A-47CF-41A1-BAA0-B2529CE502BF-485-00000043021DD49F.jpg" alt="" />
Wow!!!!!! awesome bucks
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That's awesome. Those are some great bucks. Hopefully you can seal the deal one of these days.
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The worst thing is the daylight picture of him walking is taken by my camera that is 5 yards from my blind.... Hopefully we can get on him next year. I'm still waiting for my buddy to send me some more pics that he has of a couple of big 4's that are on the same property. I also stuck out some deer feeders for the winter time on another property I hunt where the drop tine buck is and hopefully I can get some good pics of him and a couple of other big bucks that are there.
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A couple of smaller deer from this year.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/IMAG0003.jpg" alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/IMAG0006.jpg" alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/WGI_0032-1.jpg" alt="" />
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Does anyone have a guess on a score for the first big buck? It won't make any difference in how we hunt him but are just curious as to what the score could be.
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Very nice buck
"jayb22" wrote:Does anyone have a guess on a score for the first big buck? It won't make any difference in how we hunt him but are just curious as to what the score could be.
I would think with that many extras, he'd have to GROSS right at 190,I could be off, none of the pictures show both sides very well at the same time
Yea we would need more pics for a more accurate guess. :)

Hard to tell how many points he has on each side? But I think you might have a 200" class buck right there though.
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"MuleyMadness" wrote:Yea we would need more pics for a more accurate guess. :)

Hard to tell how many points he has on each side? But I think you might have a 200" class buck right there though.

I would say 200 + what a nice buck and some great pics thank for sharing.
I would have to agree with Brett, that buck is getting to the 200" class. Very nice buck.
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awesome pics! thx for sharing
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Just thought I would update this, that deer ended up scoring 206", I found out cause someone poached him. Brutal ending to a great year of chasing that deer.
That's not the update I wanted. :)

Poachers are lousy!