A couple nice Utah bucks
2/23/15 2:59am
Got a tag for a great unit in Utah to deer hunt. I was able to scout throughout the summer and found a few nice bucks that had me really excited. It was my first time hunting this area. By the time the actual hunt rolled around the deer had begun their transition to winter ground and were no where to be found. On the third day my best friend Luke came out to hunt with us. We were a little late meeting up with him because we were watching some great bucks that morning and in to the afternoon. While waiting for us he had found this buck in its bed. It was right there near camp and we had not seen this buck before in our scouting. Put the sneak on him and we were able to cut the distance to about 450 yards. I was lucky enough to get him when he got out of his bed. Had a great hunt with my dad and Luke. Next time I get this tag I will hunt the muzzleloader season to get in to the deer before they start to move.
I had the whole week off from the family and work so we went try to fill my dads tag in another area that was close by to my unit. I have always believed that you should surround yourself with all-stars. Luke is just that. He can flat out find deer any day, anywhere. By 8:30 the next morning my Dad was able get this great buck. Not bad for a general season deer with no scouting. It is me in the picture again with my Dad’s deer. His deer had a crazy growth on the side of his face. We ended up doing a European mount. It is one of the coolest, weirdest skulls I have ever seen on a deer.
This was one of the funnest 24 hours of hunting. It is definitely a memory I will always cherish, mainly because of the company. Isn’t that what hunting is all about?
Here is a picture of both bucks together with Luke and I. Not trying to rob my dad of anything, my Dad is really private about most everything in his life, so I have tried to be respectful of his wishes.
“You know you might be a redneck…………………………..if your savings account consists of preference points for hunting"
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2/23/15 2:22pm
Both good looking bucks! Congrats