A Couple of Firsts
12/5/13 8:22pm
Hi Madness Friends,
It's been a while since I've posted. I thought I'd share some updates.
I've commented many times that I can't wait until my boys are old enough to hunt. Well my 12-year-old had his first tag this year. We went out and hiked quite a ways opening morning (about 6 miles). In the evening we were coming back on the four wheeler through some junipers. A few does crossed the trail. I had put my gun away in a case strapped to the wheeler. My sons gun was slung across my back in case it was needed for a quicker shot. I handed him the gun and proceeded to start getting mine off the wheeler. He walked the trail to where the deer had crossed. I saw him drop to a sitting position and rest his .243 on his knee. Boom!. I didn't see the deer. As I finished getting my gear and walked over to where he had shot, he was down about 70 yards looking for blood. I asked if he hit the deer? He said I'm pretty sure I did. (My mind instantly went Oh No here we go). He said he heard the thwack that you hear in the hunting shows. The buck was with a group of several does and two other small bucks. He said after the shot, his buck went the other way from the herd. We looked and looked for blood to no avail. It was impossible to track footprints as there were hundreds of footprints in every direction. The best we could do was look. After an hour and a half, a couple of other hunters pointed us to where they saw my sons buck. It took a second shot to finish him off. I was greatful to the other hunters that helped. It was dark by the time we were ready for photos and the clean out by head lamp. I about got a faceful of spider and giant web on the way out.

http://i430.photobucket.com/albums/qq25/NotEnufTags/100_3972.jpg" alt="" />
Here's his first buck.

http://i430.photobucket.com/albums/qq25/NotEnufTags/100_3981.jpg" alt="" />
It was about 930 pm when we got back to camp. I was up til midnight hanging, skinning and bagging the deer.

http://i430.photobucket.com/albums/qq25/NotEnufTags/100_3998.jpg" alt="" />
After the next morning hunt for a buck for me we went back to camp. I took a short nap. 12-year-olds have too much energy to nap so he dug a 5 foot deep latrine.

http://i430.photobucket.com/albums/qq25/NotEnufTags/100_4008.jpg" alt="" />
The hunt was fun. I passed about 10 small bucks and saw one I wanted to shoot. It was spooked when I saw him and we weren't able to turn him up for a shot. Not a problem as to me this was as successful of a hunt as I could have asked for.
We followed the deer hunt up with a outing for coyote. I took my 12 and 9 year olds out. My 12 year old got his first fawn killer. I never saw it come in. I heard my boy lip squeek and turn to see him shoot. He did awesome and I let out a big way to go. It made for a great fall of hunting.

http://i430.photobucket.com/albums/qq25/NotEnufTags/KadensFirstYote.jpg" alt="" />
It's been a while since I've posted. I thought I'd share some updates.
I've commented many times that I can't wait until my boys are old enough to hunt. Well my 12-year-old had his first tag this year. We went out and hiked quite a ways opening morning (about 6 miles). In the evening we were coming back on the four wheeler through some junipers. A few does crossed the trail. I had put my gun away in a case strapped to the wheeler. My sons gun was slung across my back in case it was needed for a quicker shot. I handed him the gun and proceeded to start getting mine off the wheeler. He walked the trail to where the deer had crossed. I saw him drop to a sitting position and rest his .243 on his knee. Boom!. I didn't see the deer. As I finished getting my gear and walked over to where he had shot, he was down about 70 yards looking for blood. I asked if he hit the deer? He said I'm pretty sure I did. (My mind instantly went Oh No here we go). He said he heard the thwack that you hear in the hunting shows. The buck was with a group of several does and two other small bucks. He said after the shot, his buck went the other way from the herd. We looked and looked for blood to no avail. It was impossible to track footprints as there were hundreds of footprints in every direction. The best we could do was look. After an hour and a half, a couple of other hunters pointed us to where they saw my sons buck. It took a second shot to finish him off. I was greatful to the other hunters that helped. It was dark by the time we were ready for photos and the clean out by head lamp. I about got a faceful of spider and giant web on the way out.

Here's his first buck.

It was about 930 pm when we got back to camp. I was up til midnight hanging, skinning and bagging the deer.

After the next morning hunt for a buck for me we went back to camp. I took a short nap. 12-year-olds have too much energy to nap so he dug a 5 foot deep latrine.

The hunt was fun. I passed about 10 small bucks and saw one I wanted to shoot. It was spooked when I saw him and we weren't able to turn him up for a shot. Not a problem as to me this was as successful of a hunt as I could have asked for.
We followed the deer hunt up with a outing for coyote. I took my 12 and 9 year olds out. My 12 year old got his first fawn killer. I never saw it come in. I heard my boy lip squeek and turn to see him shoot. He did awesome and I let out a big way to go. It made for a great fall of hunting.


12/6/13 11:51am
That's pretty cool. I'm sure my dad thought the same thing about my first buck, he had me walking down a ridge I shot, he walked over and I was probably 50 yards from where the deer was actually standing, short tracking job later we found him.

Springville Shooter
12/7/13 11:22pm
Way to go NET! Been wondering how you were doing. Big congrats to you and the excavator. That is the best latrine hole I've ever seen.-----SS

12/8/13 8:43am
That's awesome! Congrats to your son. :thumb

12/8/13 9:05am
Great post, looks fun. Thanks for sharing!