A day at the range.

Whipped up a new load for my 7 ultra for my pending deer hunt.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/M%20M%20F/IMG_0455.jpg" alt="" />

Not bad just need some windage adjustments.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/M%20M%20F/IMG_0454.jpg" alt="" />

Getting better except when I flinch.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/M%20M%20F/IMG_0453.jpg" alt="" />

Last round. My poor old shoulder couldn't take any more. These were rounds twenty six through thirty and the gun was getting hot and my flinch was getting worse.

All of these targets were shot on the two hundred yard range. Now I need to see how it will shoot at 100, 300, and 400 to see what my terjectory will be like.
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Looking good.
Springville Shooter
Is that a Sendero by any chance? Definately minute-of-muley shooting.-------SS
Yes I picked up one of the stainless sendero's with the fluted barrel. Other than I want to lighten up the trigger I haven't changed anything else this is how it has shot since I took it out of the box.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/IMG_0456.jpg" alt="" />

If I wasn't such a wuss I would shoot it more often but even with a sims recoil pad I can only handle a few rounds out of it at a time.
Springville Shooter
I have the same rifle in 300 and 338 RUM. They both shoot exceptionally well. My 300 has actually placed in 1000yd competetions against very high-end custom target rifles. I have brakes on both of mine for recoil and my daughter started shooting my 300 when she was 10 years old. Depending on how light you want the trigger, you should be able to adjust the factory trigger down quite a bit. I went with kepplinger set triggers on mine for both hunting and target use. Any way you look at it, Remington came up with a winner in the Sendero.----------------SS
Yeah I also have a sendero in a 25-06 and I've put the hurtin on quite a few prarie dogs back in the day.

I always swore that I would never put a muzzle brake on my guns because I still wanted to have friends after I shot my gun but I'm haveing second thoughts now. How much do they want to put one on these days?
Springville Shooter
It's been about 5 years since I've had one installed, but it was about $250 for a good one back then. I like the Vaise muzzle brake for the senderos as it matches the contour of the barrel well and looks great. I felt the same way you did about brakes in the beginning, but I can honestly say that they are the only way to go on guns that shoot big cartridges like these. I don't have one on my 7 Dakota, but everything bigger has one and it has greatly improved my shooting with these super magnums, and as a bonus, my wife and kids can comfortably shoot the guns now and my wife made a great one-shot kill on an antelope at 500yds like it was nothing.----------SS
Springville Shooter,

Well I broke down and had a brake installed on my 7 Ultra. Just got the gun back today and it looks awesome. This guy did a great job of making it look just like a part of the gun and he only charged me $175 for the whole job. Now I can't wait to get to the range to try it out. If I just didn't have to go to work now. #-o

Thanks for the advice and I hope that the next targets that I put up have even tighter groups now that the gun won't beat me so bad. [-o<

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/M%20M%20F/IMG_0604.jpg" alt="" />

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/M%20M%20F/IMG_0605.jpg" alt="" />
Springville Shooter
That is a thing of beauty. Is that a Vaise brake? You will never regret this great improvement to an already fantastic rifle, bring your hearing protection though. My daughter was shooting my 300 RUM Sendero with the brake accurately when she was 10 years old. If you don't mind, PM me the name of the smith, that is a great job and a great price.---------SS
The way I understood them it is a custom made brake by the smith. I will ask to make sure and I will get his info for ya.
Snuck away from work on my lunch break last night to shoot a few rounds.

It's shooting about a foot to the right for now but that will be easy to fix.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/M%20M%20F/IMG_0607.jpg" alt="" />

A couple of bullets to show the depth of the hole.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/M%20M%20F/IMG_0606.jpg" alt="" />

It never fails to impress me how much energy a bullet can carry.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/M%20M%20F/IMG_0608.jpg" alt="" />

Oh man what a difference that muzzlebrake makes. Now instead of a hand howitzer I have a gun that shoots like a 6MM. :thumb

Sure wish that I had done this before my bison hunt.

Thanks again Springville Shooter for your advice.