A Ducky Thanksgiving morning
11/23/06 12:00pm
Went out and had a little duck shoot thismorning. Had a fun morning, didn't shoot a ton but had fun.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v80/Jaredhill/Waterfowl%20Hunting/IMGP1691.jpg " alt="" />

Besides deer hunting, this is some of the funnest hunting I've ever done.
great pic!! What type of duck is in the middle?
Duck hunting is some of the funnest wing shooting, but it is just to bad they taste like $#!^
Yep, the taste isn't the best. We soak ours in salt water for 24 hours, this helps. Also heard of soaking them in MILK. Haven't tried this yet but will some day.
I also cut mine into smaller size nuggets, then they taste better.
Cook them in some breaded batter, and they aren't to bad. :thumb