A Few Blacktails

Finally got around to up loading these pics. These are this springs pic of a new blacktail area I'm going to try.

http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/PICT0367.jpg" alt="" />Hey, and check out this coyote pic. He or she is packing prey or a Pup? The more I look at it I think its a pup. I must of got 20 or more pics of coyotes in a 6 week period. I might need to start predator hunting :)http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/PICT0442.jpg" alt="" />http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/PICT0187.jpg" alt="" />http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/PICT0354.jpg" alt="" />http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/PICT0339.jpg" alt="" />
What camera are you using?
Nice pics, always wanted to hunt them myself, one of these days I will.
"JDavid" wrote:What camera are you using?
This particular one is the Bushnell 8.0 Trophy Cam. It does a pretty good job. It shoots a three shot burst and is ready again in 1second.

The only complaint I would have about it is in low light sometimes it tries to take a pic in the "no flash mode" and the picture is blown out all white.

Batteries last forever. Good cam for the money. :thumb