A few more arrowheads

Well once I got the news I drew an archery tag my arrow/arrowhead making has been ramping up heres a few more pics

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e55/king444/0609121802.jpg" alt="" />

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e55/king444/0613121721.jpg" alt="" />

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e55/king444/0608121512b.jpg" alt="" />

Iam working on getting them hafted to the arrows right now. what do you guys think?
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This is the most amazing, impressive thing I've seen. I've heard of guys doing it, but never seen it accomplished. My hats off to you. I've been shooting the old bear broadheads(green). This year I'm using Zwicky's. I like a single broadhead but what you've done is too much. I can't wait to get my brother to see what you've done. What kind of time did you invest, and where did you get the obsidian? :thumb
Whoa, excellent... :thumb
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Mr bell: I get my obsidian from a couple places I have a guy in oregon that has some really prestine stuff. And i have also picked up some local (utah) stuff as well. I also get the flint (the white stuff in the picture) from a couple places, Mostly back east but i do pick some up here as well. As for time spent who knows hours and hours at first it is very frustrating you have to learn to take what the rock gives you dont force it. At first it would take me a good hour for a hunting point but that was mostly due to going slow to make sure I got it right and not wanting to break it now I can work out a point in about 25-35 minutes depending on the size of the point. If your ever interested I would suggest you work with obsidian first its better for beginners and is sharper that flint anyway.

Ike: Thanks for the complements.
Those are incredible. Hope you get to put them to good use.
Thats awesome!
Impressive, that seems pretty fast on for working out a point. :thumb
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Those are pretty cool. Are you using cedar shafts? :thumb
Nice heads 10sign:
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Pretty badass. Good luck.
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Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure they'd be illegal in my state (AZ). I believe they have to have a metal cutting edge by law.