A Few Photos from the ISE Show.

Had an enjoyable experience at the International Sportmans Expo this weekend. I've got a few photos for you. First, let me say sorry to wildantlerman, wildantlers, and Antlers08, I met them at their wildantler magic booth but didn't snap a photo to add here. Duh! Hopefully they will have a phtot to post. Man their product looks realistic. If you need to stain some white bone order some wam.

Here's my favorite taxidermy pose from the show.

Here's the Lopez buck from the eastmans deer tour. Nasty Big!

Here's a monstrousity of an elk

Here's my 10 and 7 year olds at the fish pond. I did see one kid catch the 22" brown in the tank.

Here's my 4 year old learning to shoot a bow

I like the Caribou

Gettin kinda late with this stupid dial up. Maybe I'll post some more another day.
Thanks for sharing, looks like a good time. :thumb
Great pics! I'm going to have to agree on your favorite, That lion in full leap onto the elk is AWESOME!! And what a beast of a Caribou!
Wasatch Wonder
My kid loved the mountain lion on the elk. That taxidermist did a great job. Overall it was a fun expo, well worth the money and braving the crowds.
very cool! thankf for sharing :thumb that lopez buck is wild!
Thanks for posting. I wanted to attend but couldn't make it. Looks like a good time. fatrooster.