A few Scouting Pictures
7/19/06 6:33pm
I took these while scouting, have yet to see a big guy yet but will get out this weekend to give it another go.
Still needs to grow a bit for me

http://haastylcalls.com/photo/data/500/IMG_8992_edited-1.jpg " alt="" />
I thought this Doe was going to run me over

http://haastylcalls.com/photo/data/500/doeone1.jpg" alt="" />
This little woodchuck had babies in that log

http://haastylcalls.com/photo/data/500/woodchuckone1.jpg " alt="" />
A few weeks back, over memorial weekend

http://haastylcalls.com/photo/data/500/IMG_8710_edited-1.jpg " alt="" />
Still needs to grow a bit for me

I thought this Doe was going to run me over

This little woodchuck had babies in that log

A few weeks back, over memorial weekend

Did you find the big ones yet? :)
I got some good pics to post up soon.