a few shots from ......
7/25/07 11:02pm
last night !!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v636/rgkempton/Logan%20Utah/oldhousesunset2.jpg " alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v636/rgkempton/Logan%20Utah/opendoor.jpg " alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v636/rgkempton/Logan%20Utah/coonsadjcon1.jpg " alt="" />

That top photo took 3 trips and around 150 miles of driving. The first two times i drove out there, the sunset did not cooperate . This time i got there around 7:30 and waited until around 9:00 when everything turned pink and orange . I like that the clouds stayed dark and did not turn pink. I took three shots from that angle , one at normal , one at 1 stop under and one at 2 stops underexposed. The one that is - 1 stop is the one i like the best.
Keep that shutter finger a movin and get more pics, yours are always great :thumb
GREAT picture!
Sweet Shots
I sent my photo to National Geographic and they picked it as one of the daily dozen. Its not going to be published or anything , but it was picked as 1 of the 12 best photos submitted that day. You can click on week 3 , then click the arrow on the far right 3 times and you will see the photo as a small thumbnail photo . Then if you wish you can click on the thumbnail to enlarge it.
Here is the link .