A funny story

Not sure if it was a set-up or not, but still pretty dang funny.

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Not so funny but still enjoyable. =D>
The cars were damaged very badly.
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Haha that is awesome. I'm still laughing. lol
This give me an absolutely brillant idea!

I'm going to start packing not only a Deer Xing sign but an Elk Xing sign each and every time I go out! This way, the deer and elk will think it is a safe place to cross. Just hope the DOW doesn't catch on too soon.

one hunting fool
that is great!!! some people just are clueless
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"ABert" wrote:This give me an absolutely brillant idea!

I'm going to start packing not only a Deer Xing sign but an Elk Xing sign each and every time I go out! This way, the deer and elk will think it is a safe place to cross. Just hope the DOW doesn't catch on too soon.


That's the secret I've been missing out on!