a good place to take my dad

My dad would love to come with we on my muzzy elk hunt in nov. the only think is with his heath proplems he cant walk too far and i am dont know where a good place would be i have a any bull tag for utah he loves elk and realy wants to go and i would like to take him out. he has been sick and has not been able to go out much over the past few years and this would be realy good 4 him and give me some good time with him. if you have an ok place that would work 4 us let me know thaks (???)
Not much help here, but hope he can get out with you somewhere! [-o<
I could help if you were after a spike, but any bull areas are a little tougher.
Hope everything works out. If I think of anything I'll let you know.
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i dont understand is it anybull good for all of utah
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if so u should have no problem anchoring a monster in their winter grounds are enroute to their grounds but im not from the states so what do i know
Cant help. Once you and your dad get out in the woods it wont matter.
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ya we will have fun out there, if the weather is good, lots of snow and cold, to pull them out and down then it will be nice where i think we will be. we got our 1st bull up there about 10 years ago so it will be fun to go back with him. i have been back but have not hade much time to put in to a good hunt but this year its on!!!
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Utah is divided into different units, there are draw units, some of which you can hunt spike only with a different tag, and the any bull units. So there are only certain areas where you can hunt using your any bull tag. Hope that helps.