A Little Different than I'm Used To Seeing In Utah
8/14/06 4:27pm
Was over working on getting ready to put my new house up last night when the neighbors asked if it would be ok it their friends parked on our land for the night. When they got there boy was I in for a surprise.
One more time doing it the way that I know how.
Was over working on getting ready to put my new house up last night when the neighbors asked if it would be ok it their friends parked on our land for the night. When they got there boy was I in for a surprise.
They have traind them and they tour around the U.S. putting on shows
I only had a camera phone to take pictures with so their not the best quality sorry.
One doing back flips.
A treat for all their hard work.
Never in all of my life would have thought that I would see BABOONS OUt in the front yard without some kind of chemical help. :))
Bring em on :222