A little frustrated
9/30/07 3:09pm
I'm back from the hunt and a little frustrated. Opening morning I hiked in about 2 1/2 hours on a very sore ankle. Only to find two other hunters that had driven there Quads right up the face of the mountain and spooked a herd of nice bucks we were putting a stalk on. Then we see another two very nice bucks about an hour later in the same canyon that I took pictures of some nice bucks earlier this summer and shared with you guys. I thought I had seen a really nice buck for a split second that day but not really sure. Anyway, we did spot a 26"+ wide 5x4 with a 2" cheater and a 27"+ wide 5x3 with a 4" cheater but two guys were already making the move on them, so we set up above the bucks in hopes for them to come to us but no luck and no shots fired at these bucks either. The next day we decide to stay closer to the roads and I was looking over a canyon I had seen some nice 24-26" bucks last month but it was really cold and windy in the shade and not much was moving or out in the open. So I moved over the ridge to be in the sun and look over the ridges closer to camp. Holy cow, there is a huge buck with seval other nice ones, right out in the open about 300 yards above a main atv trail and about 500 yards from someones camp trailer. I can see they are all looking uphill at something. So I take off over that way to get closer, when I hear many shots going off in that direction. Crap, I stop and glass the area again and see deer running all over but not the big boy. So I thought it must have been shot. I make my way over there and talk to the guys doing the shooting and find out they missed it because they were shooting well over 300 yards at it/ them. They said that there was two big ones in the group, both between 28" and 30" wide. I asked them if they thought that maybe they were shooting a little to far out and they said, well you'll never know unless you try. Idiots, is all I can say. Anyway, I had a great time and saw some great animals with many 3 and small 4 points in the mix but too bad I had to have things ruined by some poor hunters ethics.
I also made a couple new friends from the forums.
I also made a couple new friends from the forums.
Every closed trail had tire marks on it . :>/ Many ridges also had tire marks on them . The area we hunted was clearly marked as far as what roads that were open or not . Many ( not all ) 4 wheelers went where they pleased , closed roads or trails or not . They need to confiscate any vehicle clearly going on closed roads , trails or wilderness areas . The word would get around fast , and this would stop !! Not a lot of shooting going on in our area , way toooo much noise from all the motorcycles and 4 wheelers , all the deer were hiding , they aren't stupid !! You could hear them coming for miles all day long , from morning and evening . ](*,)
Sorry for the rant , this is a sore spot for me !!
No need to say sorry for spouting off about this subject. I feel the same way! Not only is it lazy, it scares every animal within a 1 mile radius, scars up the land, and just plain ruins the hunt for those of us who obey the rules and do it the right way!
I agree 100%. If an ATV is caught on a closed road or trail, in a wilderness area inwhich motorized vehicles are prohibited, or in restricted areas then they should be confiscated! Maybe folks would learn when they had there ATV taken from them!
The noise from all the 4 wheelers and road hunter could be heard every where . Next year we will park next to a wilderness area trail head and hunt from there . A hour before daylight you could hear and see them coming !! ](*,) ](*,)
I relent..and agree. Maybe a lost year of hunting and/or a large fine would do the trick. SOMETHING to keep these idiots from ruining the hunt for everyone else.