a little pork

a couple of buddies from Nebraska came in town to hunt hogs with me this weekend. We pushed brush during the day to get the hogs moving. We pushed 6 the first time and Heith got 2 of them. The sow was cool colored with white
ears and face.
the next day we pushed another thicket and a black sow snuck out the back door and we almost didn't see her. Todd made a nice running shot. Later that day I was pushing a patch of timber and a black boar tried to run me down, he met a bullet!
http://thehogwallowonline.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_heith_black_boar_1-20-11.jpg" alt="" />
http://thehogwallowonline.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_heith_white_eared_sow_1-20-11.jpg" alt="" />
http://thehogwallowonline.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_Todd_N__blk_sow_1-21-11.jpg" alt="" />
http://thehogwallowonline.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_Me_blk_boar_1-21-11.jpg" alt="" />
Very nice work! I would like to do that someday, but no chance here in Kansas since they made it illegal.
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SE Ks is ideal habitat for Hogs and because of their idiotic law they will one day be over run with hogs I promise you. When that happens they will change the law.
stupidist dang thang i ever heard of. :>/