A moment of happiness in a difficult year. Official score.

(The official B&C results are on the 2nd page.)

This year had been a difficult one for my family and I. Back in April my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. As a young family with our youngest child turning 1 a few weeks later and my wife just having her 34th birthday a few weeks prior, this news was devastating. Although her recovery from the treatments and surgery has been remarkable and she has plowed through this ordeal with remarkable strength, I still found myself searching for something that would put a smile on my face that I couldn't hide. I had thought back about how I felt a few years ago when I had harvested a nice buck and hoped that I would have the opportunity to have a similar experience this year. I really was just looking for an experience that would help me get away from the cares of life for awhile and experience the outdoors.
To make a long story short, after many days hunting during the muzzle-loader hunt and a few days during the general, I had given up hope of seeing a buck that would put a smile on my face if I harvested it. Then when I least expected it, I spotted this buck bedded down just 75 yards off the trail as my 2 oldest kids and I were making our way back to camp on Monday evening. I was surprised that we were able to quickly form a plan and pull it off. To my delight, I found a nice dead rest on a low branch of a nearby tree. As I put my scope on the deer, all I could see was his front chest, neck and head. I hesitated for a second thinking I needed to wait for him to stand and present me with a good broadside shot. That thought didn't last long as I realized I had a good clean shot at his front chest. So I steadied my rifle and placed my cross hairs just below the white mark on his neck then squeezed the trigger. I just sat there in shock as I didn't see him stand up and could see his antlers laying down on the ground.
Needless to say, the smile still hasn't left my face 6 weeks later. It was a memorable event that I was able to share with my 11 yr old boy and 9 yr old girl. The 3 of us were all alone in that area that night. I think it was something that we all needed and we were blessed to experience it with one another. It was a learning experience I was able to share with them that can and probably never will be duplicated. We were all humbled that night and open to thoughts and conversations that we wouldn't have had if we didn't share this experience. Thankfully, we were able to get this guy loaded on a 4 wheeler with just the 3 of us and get him back to camp.
Since harvesting this buck, I was privileged to have the land owner bring someone over to my home who had some pictures of this deer in the velvet from their trail cam. I knew this guy was big but didn't know how big until I showed him to the land owner. Since then, I have felt like a virgin who doesn't know what to do. Thankfully I have been blessed with some great friends and a trusted sportsman that I have known since childhood to provide answers to my questions and give me some good sound advice.
To answer a few question you might have, it has been measured by a few different people and all have put the green gross score in the mid 190's. 39+ of that score comes from mass. Using the B&C website calculators, he only has between 5" to 6" in deductions. So now it is just waiting through the drying period to see what his final results will be.
As you hear so often, this was my buck of a lifetime and he came at a time when I needed to have the experience the most.
Congratulations on a great buck. They just don't get much better than that. And to have the kids along as well is awesome.
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Thats awsome. Good for you taking the little ones along. You've found some strength. Hope the best for your family.
Great family and Great story.
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Awesome buck! Best of wishes for your wife.
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Thanks for the comments. As I had mentioned, this has the potential to be a long and detailed story. I tried to keep it as simple as I could. But one of the more interesting things is that my wife started a blog to inform people of her progression with treatments. On that blog she posted her bucket list which included learning how to shoot a gun. I never knew she had an interest in shooting. So I signed her up for the Hunter Safety course with my 11 yr old boy. I don't know if her interest in shooting will translate to hunting but I can't see a down side to assisting her with this interest.
Good for you and your family. It's all about the memories.....and it looks like you will have some good ones.
Cool story, best of continued success to you and your wife especially. And wow your buck has serious mass and is impressive.
What a heartwarming story. Congrats on a wonderful hunt with your kids and a great buck that you will share the memory of for many years to come. Best wishes to you wife in battle with cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
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Man, that is a great story, a beautiful buck, and some happy looking kids.
Wonderful Muley and it's going to be hard to top that one. I'm thankful to hear your bride is doing better. Thanks for sharing this year with us.
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That is a really nice buck. Thanks for sharing the story. Wishing your wife a full recovery. We dealt with cancer a few years ago with my daughter and it is a tough road to walk. It makes these types of experiences all the more special, especially when your kids can enjoy it with you. My 12 year-old daughter wants to hunt and will be taking the hunter safety course pretty soon.
that was a great read!

first of all, congrats to your family on getting through the tough times Cancer brings.stay diligent on future check ups. my Mom just went through it 3 years ago- It is a tough ordeal, but it's so great to hear the doc say shes Cancer free on every check up!

second- what a DANDY buck! the mass seem to be incredable! congrats on a great year for you!
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Again, thanks for the coments. @killerbee and sactribe, I have found it helpful to know others have plowed through similar situations. I know my wife has found great strength in knowing she is not alone and there are others out there who know what she is going through. So thank you to all for your uplifting posts.
Being able to harves this buck really is just the icing on the cake for me this year and put so many things into perspective.
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Awesome story. And congrats. Not much better than spending time in the woods with the family and to take a minute and get away from real life for a minute, in my opinion.
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Good for you man, that is a heck of a deer. I know exactly what you are going through. My 32yr old wife has been battling cancer for almost 3yrs now and it's been harder to get out hunting. I have been able to deer hunt the last 3 yrs but haven't been able to bag anything like that. Instead of being a 10 day hunt most have only been local So Cal day hunts or quick weekend hunts. She's been a trouper, back in 2010 I got drawn for a southern Utah general deer but didn't think I was going to be able to go cause she had to fly to CTCA the Monday after deer opener. She said I could go for the weekend if the whole family could go so we made it happen. I met a nice gentleman from this forum who offered his cabin to us for the hunt. My wife, two boys and I left late Thursday night and drove the 7+hrs to our location, got there in enough time to sleep a couple hrs then I got up to do some scouting in the am then take the family fishing and some more evening scouting. Opening morning I was on a few deer but got busted, ended up with a small forky but it was worth it. Came home Sunday morning and she was off to Arizona Monday morning. She made it happen.
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Nice buck. I am glad to hear that your wife is doing ok.
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Well after the drying period was over, I decided to have it officially measured. The final net B&C score was 188 2/8. The one abnormal point it has on the right side that resulted in a 1 7/8 deduction dropped him below the 190 mark. I don't recall what the exact gross score was but am pretty sure it was 195+.

Regardless of the score, I am grateful that I had a chance to harvest such a beautiful animal and it is definitely the buck of a lifetime. Thanks again to all of you who have offered such kind words to my family and I.
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Congratulations! Savor the victory and keep the faith.
Thanks for the score update, just an AWESOME buck!
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Thats awsome.