A Montana Day *2 MULEYS and BULLS*
11/5/07 8:44pm
Had a great day on my cousins place today.At first light we jumped about 40 bulls out of the bottom,these guys stuck around long enough for me to get a low light shot of em.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/wrelk.jpg" alt="" />
My uncle took this dark horned pig we had located the evening before about 20 min after legal light.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/wrmarksbuk.jpg " alt="" />
I came across this big set while walking a ridge line looking for deer.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/wrelksheds.jpg " alt="" />

My uncle took this dark horned pig we had located the evening before about 20 min after legal light.

I came across this big set while walking a ridge line looking for deer.

At about 2:30 I glassed this buck that I had seen while antelope hunting bedded up in a series of cliffs overlooking a big bowl.I got as far down the ridge as I could without exposing myself but all i could see was his neck and head,ranged him at 332 and put a Barnes TSX right behind his ear,he didnt even get out of his bed.This is the biggest bodied muley I have EVER layed hands on,his head is broad like an angus bull!
We filled our remaining doe tags and I found one more nice shed while draging a doe to the truck.
The truck loaded with the spoils of a day in Montana!
Are these Whitetails really moving into your area? Last year when I hunted Montana, I saw tons of whitetails and was shocked to see some outside of Gardiner, right next to YNP. I was glassing a patch of timber and noticed a thin deer running around and it sure didn't look like a mulie, sure enough a few minutes later I see another deer chasing it and the whitetail sticking straight up in the air. One of the hotel owners in Gardner told me that a local girl killed a large whitetail buck in that same patch of timber earlier that year.
MT sounds like a great place to hunt. Thx for posting.
Lets see some more field pics of yours?