A Nice BC whitey
9/4/12 7:53pm

Found this guy on my cam this weekend. It was the start of bow season on the 1st. Hope I bump into him soon before rifle season starts.
Here is the guy I took this fall. Not too big but to even see one in the area I hunt is hard enough. The forests in BC have been devastated by the mountain pine beetle so dead fall everywhere. The jungle behind me in the photo is where the WT love to hang so it can be a real challenge getting close to one.
The WT and mulies hang out together in the same areas here so you need to be sure on ID but most guys carry both species tags with them because you never know. There are some BIG WT around here. My friends boy missed a big 6x6 on Sat. morning. They said he fired two shots side by side into the wood of the blind they made. Poor kid!! They said it was bigger then the cranker mulies on the wall at his home so I hope he gets another chance at it.
If I could practise some self control and not shoot the first buck I see every year I might get a big one someday LOL. I am motivated by food more than glory it seems.