A nice WA whitetail that made it through the hunting season.
11/28/06 9:50pm
Having fun with the new scanner. Here are a couple pics I took of a nice Whitetail buck about a month ago in the Asotin Creek area.
Thanks for the pics, I like em.
I used her's because it has a great zoom lense on it.
Keep the good work, someday you'll be posting the best photography pics around. Right? ??? :))
Great picture of the deer.... The boy is growing up to look just like his daddy....... :))
Looking forward to the jerky and hitting the field with you again.
You'll be gettin' some jerky from this years hunt shortly! Ya need to get yourself back to the states so we can do some huntin' again!
He's a great guy and one of my favorite huntin' partners (now don't get a big head Joe!)
Here's a pic of groesbeckjn and I on our first blacktail hunt in CA.
This trip was one of my most "interesting" trips ever. I'll tell ya about it some day.
Yeah, I've known Hawk for some years now. Hawk may post a lot of pictures of his "deer" on the page.... but I know how accurate he shoots, or doesn't in most cases. Hey Hawk.... why are you holding the head of that little blacktail of yours about 2' higher than mine?
BB92... All I'll say for now about this particular hunt is that I almost killed Hawk. Something about a quad, loaded guns, steep hill, and a riding partner who didn't bail when he should have. Bottom line though, we both got our deer that year.... there was just a little pain and injury that went along with it.
Yeah, I've known Hawk for some years now. Hawk may post a lot of pictures of his "deer" on the page.... but I know how accurate he shoots, or doesn't in most cases. Hey Hawk.... why are you holding the head of that little blacktail of yours about 2' higher than mine?
BB92... All I'll say for now about this particular hunt is that I almost killed Hawk. Something about a quad, loaded guns, steep hill, and a riding partner who didn't bail when he should have. Bottom line though, we both got our deer that year.... there was just a little pain and injury that went along with it.
Ya want to know about the hunt? When I get a little time I'll write it up (I'm not sure I want to relive it..LOL)