A "What Would You do Thread"

Y'all getting tired of my "FINDS" Threads? zzz Let me Know :thumb

Another Elk hunt.
Anybody ever think about finding the parachute, dead guy and the suit case of cash? ::wel
I have :thumb
NO! NO! I didn't find it.
But I came across this thing hanging in a tree.
Got me excited for sure. Upon further examination. A weather balloon with computer type stuff, kinda complicated gizmo.
As I opened the apparatus I found information "if found immediately take to the nearest authorities. Sheriffs dept, Hy patrol, any gov agency etc. Important expensive stuff for sure.
Trouble was it was at least 50 pounds and I was in the wilderness. Wanted to hunt Elk. I left it as I found it, feel kinda bad. What would you have done?
I would have reported it to the locals. If they want it bad enough they will send somebody to get it. If it was important enough they would have put a locator on it and kept track of it so that they would know where it was when it went down.
I guess I would mark it on a GPS or mark it on a map, flag it so it was easier to locate or something like that. But I would wait to notify anyone until elk season was over...priorities man! lol
I'd report it and ask what it is worth to them to get it back lol


I'd do the same as has already been mentioned, report it after the season was over.
I woulda kept elk hunting, but then gone back for it when elk season was over and i needed something to do, and wanted to see more elk! i mean uh find the fancy weather gizmo :thumb
Does seem like it would have had a tracking device. I think this was 91 or 92. I sure didn't have a GPS, still don't. ](*,)
Wish I would have got a phone number, but then Had nothing to write it down.
I was a long way out. I had camped 3-4 miles from the truck and was hunting another mile or so. Probably could have figured out the vicinity on a map. Would have been tough to direct somebody to it. Oh Well, not my fault it fell out of the sky.