A Second....second chance buck!

Only a few weeks ago I was bowhunting for antelope in New Mexico. On the third day of the hunt, I found a buck I could get excited about and drew to shoot. However, my peep sight didn't rotate correctly and I couldn't see my front sights. I let down the bow, played with the peep and drew again about a half dozen times, unbelievably without the buck seeing or hearing me do it! I pondered just taking the shot instinctively, but just was not willing to risk wounding him. He eventually wandered off and my chance was gone....

On the last day of my hunt I was lowering my standards to take any decent P&Y quality buck. I saw a buck that would fit the bill and get ready to shoot him. When I rose up to shoot, I saw that there were three other bucks nearby that I hadn't even seen. I waited watching each one of them raise and lower their heads until I picked what I thought looked the largest. Then I had to wait for him to eventually turn and give me the shot I wanted.

After successfully arrowing him, I realized that this WAS the buck I had lost the opportunity on earlier in the hunt!
However, the real purpose of my story was this past Monday, on Memorial Day. I have struggled for the last SEVERAL years trying to take a Coues Deer with my bow. The harder I've tried, the less success I seem to have had. Finally, a week ago, I had my chance! A huge Coues buck gave me a great shot and I completely blew it! I had one arrow in my quiver that didn't match the rest, with a completely different broadhead. I knew from practice that this broadhead hit a foot to the left at 30 yards, but had no intention of shooting it. I carried it as a "finish off" arrow for a wounded and downed animal, since this was a large fixed head that could be easily re-sharpened. I grabbed and shot it by mistake and missed the buck by inches. I was sick about my stupid error. I did have a chance at a reasonable shot at a smaller Coues buck later in the day, and considered taking him to break my "curse", but just couldn't do it after missing the larger buck....

Then, on the last day of my hunt this Monday, the same buck gave me a second chance, just like my antelope had a few weeks earlier! This time I drew the right arrow, but again had my peep sight fail on me!! When I drew on him the previous week, he had whirled around at the sound of me drawing the bow, I really didn't think there was any chance that I could let the string down without alarming him. I again considered taking the instinctive shot, but since I don't practice this I just wasn't willing to take a chance on wounding an animal. I finally let the bow down, made some adjustments and re-drew. I couldn't believe that he never even looked my way after drawing on him twice! This time the shot was true and I put the arrow through his shoulders and he was down within sight! My curse was finally broken, and on such a great buck. I was the most excited I've been about a kill in a long, long time! I had told my friends the week before that I thought the buck was about 15 inches wide, with at least 5 inch points. I also had guessed that he would score in the 90 to 100 inch range. He ended up being 16 inches wide, with 6 inch points and a very quick scoring of one side of the racking and doubling it (with inside spread added) came up with a gross of very close to 100 in velvet. I'm thrilled to finally take a Coues with my bow, and even more excited that it was a great buck. I'd like to thank my friend Mike Ornoski for helping me to break my unlucky streak!
Thats great, congrats on the great bucks =D>
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IMO those are to great animals and good storeies. I hope for the critters sake that your outa tags cause if your not they don't have a chance. lol Congrats on those two critters. 10sign: 10sign: :not-worthy
I actually leave for an elk hunt tomorrow. :) I'm hoping to try the more traditional method of making the kill the first time and not having to get lucky on the last day of the hunt! ](*,)
Awesome bucks and great stories 10sign:
Congrats on two great hunts this year and thanks a bunch for sharing! :thumb
Two absolute giant critters right there...........Congratulations again Marvin.....I'm jealous. That Coues is phenomenal.
Very nice. You know how to set up a photo as well.
Agreed an amazing deer with any weapon, and amazing feat with a bow!! 10sign:
Two very cool harvests. You are the antelope king, and with a bow makes it all the more special. Cangrats.
Heads or Tails
Congrats on two successful hunts!
You must be livin right.
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Nice work on two great critters.
Few people ever get a Coues with a bow. What an outstanding job. You might want to continue that luck and play the Lottery while you're on a streak! lol
What peep are you using, so I don't have the same problem?
Excellent job on two fine bucks, I hope you have a great wapiti hunt too.
DANG Marvin! Both those bucks are AWESOME! CONGRATS!

I don't think it's the peep's problem, I think it's a problem with the string stretching. I'm not sure why it is stretching throughout each day! I replaced the string a month or so before my antelope hunt, but shot a few 3D shoots with it and had no problems. I also put a D-loop on the string to nock to, rather than nocking on the serving. I had never used one before, but think that has probably been as big a part of the problem as anything. I can test draw it and adjust the peep in the morning, and a few hours later the string appears to have stretched causing the peep to rotate to a different position! It's very frustrating. ](*,) I put a tube on if for elk season, to force it to rotate correctly, but don't like it and will just replace the entire string set-up once that hunt is over and I have time to set it up and sight it in correctly.

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Wow! tough luck with your strings ](*,) good luck with your elk hunt, look forward to hearing the stories and seeing the monster! =D>
Congrats Marvin! You're off to an awesome start!