Aaron Saltenberger of Anaconda, MT harvested this bull with a Smith & Wesson 270 on public land.ipt>

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Nice bull.
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What kind of 4-wheeler is that!!! If you had a side shot, you should send that to the manufacturer!!! They'd be as proud as you!! Nice bull!!
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Browsin the net and find my cousin with a nice bull cool. Dave Saltenberger
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I'm down in vegas, cruisen' the net and what do i see, but my old high-school buddy, salty, with a nice bull. hahhaha good job man.
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Hey nice buck elk Aaron I never new you hunted elk before. Love your other high school buddy Bart!I
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that bulls bigger than mine
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Wow...didn't all my family and friends to find this one... but since this pic...i was 14 at the time,,i've kill many more bulls with my bow and rifle,,, this was just a more proud moment...first bull!!!
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hey cousin, nice bull!!! I'll have to send Rich your way, and you can show him how to do it right!! Take Care. Congrats Cousin
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Good Goin! Nice bull Aaron! I'd like to come down and hunt with you some day for Rocky Mountain big horn,elk,or deer. Cherish the kill Aaron, It's a trophy.