Account to buy from store - help
8/14/06 1:48pm
Hey there everyone. I couldnt find a proper category for this post so i put it in the most read one, so first off, sorry about that.
Now. Im tryin to purchase the 'Never Enough 2' DVD through the website (i wanted to save my money but after re-watchin the first one i have to allow this one last splurge) anyways, it says i need to log in.. I did my e-mail adress and it didnt work, do i need to re-register to purchase from the store? I assumed my forum log in was good enough but just thought id ask some of you pros before i go signing up on this site again and botherin our busy muley madness
Thanks all for any help
Now. Im tryin to purchase the 'Never Enough 2' DVD through the website (i wanted to save my money but after re-watchin the first one i have to allow this one last splurge) anyways, it says i need to log in.. I did my e-mail adress and it didnt work, do i need to re-register to purchase from the store? I assumed my forum log in was good enough but just thought id ask some of you pros before i go signing up on this site again and botherin our busy muley madness
Thanks all for any help
Yep I'm busy, but hey I got time to answer.
The Store login is different than the forum, so you'll need to register for the
store also...hope that helps.