accurizing my muzz!

ok so after a few problems on the pronghorn hunt I decided it was time to play a little with my knight bighorn magnum.
I've read about lapping the barrel for a few years, but was worried about lapping it a little too much and ruining the gun, but at this point I was ready to throw it in the dumpster anyway so I had nothing to loose.
I started out running a patch coated with automotive valve grinding compound in and out of the barrel 10 times. and then a fresh patch with fresh compound 10 more times. Doing this until I had gone in and out of the barrel 100 times. Then I thoroughly cleaned the bore until I was sure I had all the compound out. HOLLY CRAP! what a shinny bore it was!
I then heated the barrel with EXTREMELY HOT water, so hot I had to wear gloves, then I coated the bore with excess amounts of CRC DRYLUBE (because is it teflon based). Then after the barrel cooled, I ran some dry patches through to get all the excess lube out (when the barrel cools it sucks the lube into its poors).
So then I noticed all these wear spots where the stock has been rubbing on the gun (never a good thing) so I started sanding on the synthetic stock. After gaining ample clearance I chissled out the area surrounding the one bolt lug area to prepare it for a proper bedding. I wrapped the barrel with two layers of electricians tape (to ensure the clearance) and coated the whole dang thing with wax (so the epoxy wont stick to it). Then I layed in a few ounces of bedding epoxy and assembled the gun (with plenty of wax on the threads of the screw) and let it set up.
The next morning i took it apart and cleaned all the wax off and took the tape off then put it back together. VOILA! I've never bedded a gun with only one screw, but heck it turned out pretty dang good!
I knew the old cabelas red dot had issues so down to Lehi I went for a trade in! I now own an Aimpoint 9000L and let me tell you that 2 mil dot makes all the difference in the world on a sight picture!
Now off to the bench:
Accuracy is now better than it has ever been! Most of my groups were under 1.5"
Accuracy never dropped off after several shots. at one point I had fired 25 rounds without cleaning.
The sabbots never got hard to push down the barrel like before, it was like loading a clean gun every time.
Three buddies were with me throughout the process and they now want me to do the same to theirs...... I told them maybe after the hunts are over lol!!!!!
Sorry such a long post, but I'm so excited about the changes that I had to share!!!! let me know if any of you want to try it out, it's easy and I can walk you through it!
Chet, I might want to try it out down the road. I have a knight bk-92.
the bk 92 is basically the same...
when the hunts over, come check mine out and I'll explain every little detail and you can shoot mine and decide what you want to do...