
Ok gents I am sure some of you remember me asking for help about the Winchester 70 chambered in 22-250 my father in-law gave me. Well I still cannot get that thing to hold a group whatsoever with any type of ammo.
So I have decided to just begin a project built off the action and replace everything else. I want the most bang for my buck here guys. So Barrel suggestions, Trigger, Stocks and gunsmith suggestions.
Shooter and Chet I'm sure you will both have valuable information for me.
Springville Shooter
Hey Pete,
Sorry for a late reply but I've been up to my eyeballs in work. I do have some suggestions; If you want to build on a budget, I once did a 7MM STW on an old Remington action. I bought an Adams and Bennett barrel out of midway on sale for $70.00 already threaded, contoured and crowned. I ordered a stock from Boyds for right about $100 already inletted and finished. With about $100 in gunsmithing and a little work on my part I had a custom rifle that shot really good for the price. I have since given it to my step-dad who still uses it. If money is not as much of an issue, I really recommend Pac Nor barrels as a great mid range hunting barrel. Personally, I would still go with the Boyds stock because they are so easy to fit/accurize and all the other benefits that come from a good laminate. These are just a few of MANY good options wich is what makes building a custom so much fun. I have worked with just about every part you can think of so don't hesitate to ask. Good luck and keep us posted. --------SS
Thanks Shooter... I am looking at a year long project or so but i will keep you updated. I am mostly wanting a varmint/range rifle. I have hunting rifles covered and am really looking forward to doing this. thanks again.
Springville Shooter
In that case, I would save for one of the best match grade barrels in whatever contour you decide. I would for sure go with the Boyds stock if weight is not an issue as they make vey solid, accurate varmint stocks. When it comes to triggers, any of the aftermarkets will get you around a pound wich is great for varmint work. I like Jewell the best, but Rifle-Basics, and Timney also make good stuff. For extreme accuracy, I would also research the gunsmith well and make sure that he understands custom rifle/bench rest type work. I like Hart barrels and Broughton especially for smaller callibers like you will be building. Douglas and Shilen are good options as well. I had a bad experience with Lilja, but some guys swear by them.--------SS
Well here is what I have been leaning towards and why...
I was thinking a Shilen barrel because I had a custom .308 built with one and really loved it! Along with a Jewell Trigger because I've had experience with them, and a Boyds Featherweight Thumbhole stock.
Once I get all the pieces I'll probably be back in Utah again and be looking for a Gunsmith.
Springville Shooter
Sounds like a WINNER to me for sure. Are you going to stay with the 22-250? As far as varmint cartridges go it's hard to beat, nothing comes close if you are going to shoot factory ammo. -------SS
I think that I will stick with the 22-250 for the varmints. Here is another question for you though, I have been thinking about reloading either the Sierra 52 Gr. HPBT Matchking or the Sierra 69 Gr. HPBT. What would you suggest?
I kind of lean towards the heavier bullet for long rang accuracy but if I did so I would have to be sure to get a barrel with a faster twist rate. Probably 1:12???
If I went with the 52 Gr. I would have more oppertunity to use factory ammunition as well. With a more average 1:14 Twist???
What are your thoughts about this?
If you would post some pics of your rifles too. I'd like to see what you've got cause I forget what you've posted before.
Springville Shooter
I personally would build the 22-250 with a 1-14 twist. This will best stabilize bullets in the 40-60 grn range which is where this cartridge shines and is the most fun. Blowing up prarie dogs at 200 yds is alot more fun than taking pot shots at them at 600yds. When I take long shots at varmints, I use a large caliber rifle made for those ranges, like a 6BR or 25-06. When I think 22 cal, I think pink vapor. I have a good friend that shoots a 223AI for 600 yd competition. He shoots very heavy bulllets and accomodates them with a 1-8 twist. Velocities are slow and even though you can hit varmints, the impact is not very exciting. 55 grn bullets at 3500fps will do very well out to 300yds and even 200 or so yards further with enough practice.-----------SS
I can't really add anything to what SS has said......

But I do have a stock you might be interested in.

I was planning on building a 20tac out of my 223 featherweight...... I bedded this Boyds stock and was looking for a barrel. Then decided to sell the whole thing and buy a M70 coyote light 243. The buyer only wanted the original stock (I wanted an xtra $100 for the boyds).

so anyway.... it's yours for $50 if you want it.... all epoxy pillar bedded for your SA M70.

here's some info:
PM Sent Chet.
Well gents got the stock from Chet and a rifle Basix trigger installed. No all I need to do is wait for it to dry out a little outside so I can try it out. i am hoping these upgrades improve the accuracy. if not I am planning on re-barreling it. i will take a picture one of these days and post it up.
I would reccomend bedding the first few inches of barrel.
As you see, my bedding job stopped at the recoil lug. (I was planning on replacing the featherweight barrel with a #5)

You'll really like that trigger too!!
Trigger is sweet! I am waiting to see how this rifle shoots as is. If it fixes the accuracy problem then I plan on bedding the first couple inches of the barrel. If not I will wait on my new barrel.