5/26/08 11:52pm
AGCHAWK Where ya been buddy? Havent heard from ya in awhile. Just wanted to make sure all is well.
Thanks for thinkin' of me but everything is going well. Actually have a pretty quite night tonight so I jumped online and saw the post.
Been a little "under the weather" for a while but nothing too serious. Not sure if I ate something that disagreed with me, got bitten by something or what but I was pretty freakin ill for a couple days. Couldn't eat for two days, sweatin' like a mad-man and chills like crazy kept me laid up for a few. But, I'm back up and runnin' again so all's well!
Everyone get thier applications in for thier dream hunts this year? The day before I fell ill I managed to sneak some time and bought my Idaho and Washington tags and applied for a few hunts online. Still need to apply for my WA Sheep, Goat, and Moose draws but I am pretty much set. (Killer...GOOD LUCK man, I know how you've had this string of bad luck regarding draws. I hope this is your year my friend)
As for things out's gettin' HOT! And, the OPSTEMPO is as busy as ever so I have been ran pretty ragged. Again, it's all good makes the time in this pit go by much faster that way....and there are a few less bad guys running around now too...ALWAYS a great thing! Looks like I'll be relieved around 14JUL08 and should roll out around the end of July. I'll spend about 4 days in Kuwait for "Warrior Transition" training (Some sort of decompression training for returning service members I guess), and then it's back to the states and the family. Boy, I SO cannot wait to get back either!
Anyway my friends, keep in touch and let me know how your draws go. I hope to see a few of ya soon and am really excited to start seeing the success pics and reading the stories behind those pics this fall! Again, you can ALWAYS email me at
FYI: I'll be hunting N Idaho again this year during the Whitetail rut. If you're in the nieghborhood drop me a line!