8/22/08 3:52pm
were about due for an update from him in the sandbox, hope all is well :thumb
Hope he is doing alright.
Dont know what he does
As for what he does, he's in the Navy as a Chief Aerographers Mate. In other words, he's a weather guesser. :))
I got back stateside on 01AUG, spent two weeks with the family, and then the Navy sent me down to Mississippi to attend a conference for a week. I finally got back to my home duty station this Monday and am trying to get caught up on 8 months worth of work...too much fun!
Anyway, I am here, will be here more often now that I am back, and am lookin' forward to this years hunting season!
FYI: Yes, ABert is right...I do Meteorology and Oceanography. While in Iraq, I did Tactical/Combat forecasting for SPECOPS out of Camp Anaconda. It was one of the most rewarding and high OPTEMPO deployments I have ever been on and got to work alongside SPECOPS folks from the Navy, Army, and Air Force. Very impressive all the way around and because of thier efforts, we managed to capture or detain over 800 enemy combatants. VERY cool stuff!
Good luck guys and gals on this year's hunts! I am lookin' forward to the reports and pics too!
Thanks to you and all of the other troops for the service that you have given for our country. Later Treetop
Killer, the dates for my Idaho CH hunt are 10OCT through 03NOV. I am heading out this weekend to do a little scouting out in that unit. I'll let ya know how it goes.
Gregg, I sent ya a PM. I missed the other post of yours that you referred to. You'll see my post but in short, I could use all the help I can get. Since I was deployed for the most of the year I haven't had a chance to do much scouting and won't get many chances between now the start of the season. I am fairly familiar with it though and I have a few friends that have also offered to help out. Again however, I will take any pointers, hints, or any other info that I can get my hands on. I am really deteremined to make this tag count....and am hoping for something bigger than anything I can get here on my side of the border.