Age limit to hunt big game in utah?
4/30/07 1:02pm
I heard this morning on the radio, that one of the new laws passed here in the state of utah, is that the min age req. for big game will now be 12.
My question is this, does this go into play for this year or next?
My question is this, does this go into play for this year or next?
Just wondering.
dont quote me on this but im pretty sure it takes effect next year!
i wonder what its going to do to the draws?
I don't know to many 12 year olds that are responsible enought to have this privledge given to them. Heck for that matter there allot of adults that shouldn't be allowed, I just don't see any + for it other than the DWR is going to generate that much more revenue.
Just my ($$) Take it for what it is worth. I know that there alot of people that love the idea, I just not to sure on it.
Fathers keep kids in hunting!! If the dads loose interest, then revenue drops. The DWR is doing a great job in some areas. In others I think deserve a much lower grade.
I talked to one father recently, who is 'fed up' with hunting opportunity and tag availability and quality of hunting. He said the heck with it last year and took his family on a west coast fishing trip.
First year he decided to bag hunting altogether. He has one boy hunting age now and more younger soon. If he is disgusted and looses interest then forget about his kids hunting.
We have to keep the current hunters we have happy and excited, then by default they will teach and raise there kids the same.
Anway I better be quiet now. :))
It is especialy tough being a hunter ed teacher, and telling some dad that we are not letting any one younger than 10 take that class and even at that encourage them to wait a little longer, the kids we have taught so far that are 10 and under have the hardest time reading and understanding the reading that is reuired.
There are plenty of places to take hunter ed. I am not going to mess with the younuns.
Even a 14yr old needs constant supervision. Come on people, sure watching a young person pull the trigger is a wonderful experience, but it not worth watching that same person fall over a rock with the gun going off and killing someone because he forgot to put the safety back on after pull that trigger.
I'm certain I will upset people, but I and My 2 son's are of one mind about the age they were old enought to be able to really "HUNT".
Just my 2 cents.
I personally hunt right next to my children or newbies who I'm introducing into hunting. I like teaching newbies and I usually gut their first animal for them and show them how to properly take care of the animal and I tell them, the next one you're going to gut it, so pay attention. My hunting buddies and I always help each other to haul out their game, whether it's 100 feet or 5 miles. We are a team and work as a team.
Here's some photos of my little ones learning to be a sniper. :)
Just because you can pass a test and shot a gun doesn't mean that you are a safe hunter no matter what age you are. That comes with time and practice.
and also great pics hiker!!that is exactly what i'm talking about, way to spend time with your kids and teach them what this is all about. that is just like the stuff i would do with my dad, and wouldn't have it any other way. i hope that my desire to kill big animals never gets so big that i cant take some time to spend in the woods with my kid[or kids later]
I am glad that you guys that have your youngsters geting into hunting are teaching them and mentoring them at your side. It is the few that have parents that arn't as responsible that will be the problem.
Like stated before, if dad or mom or someone in the family is not interested, and activaly involved then there is pretty much no chance for the future hunters.
My little brother has a hard time holding the gun up. Heck I had a hard time when i was 12 as well.
I to have friends that I won't go out with. I know exactaly what you are saying.