Aim Small, miss small?

Mel Gibson, in the movie "The Patriot", utters the advice "Aim small, miss small". Now everybody is saying it like a flock of parrots. I've had some pretty good shooting instructors, and never once did any of them mouth that phrase.

"Stance, breathing, grip, sight picture, trigger control, and follow through that is your shooting routine." Drill Stills, Ft. Leonard Wood. But never aim small.

"The bullet will go where the barrel is aligned, when the hammer falls" Chapman, Glynco, GA. But never aim small.

"Most important is trigger control" And the classic advice: "Stop jerking that trigger you lunk head" H. Ruthling Sr. Firearms Inst. Prado Olympic Shooting Range, CA. But never aim small.

I suspect that Aim small, miss small is just some tripe made up by a Hollywood script bafoon. In the words of the great Hollywood philosopher, Bugs Bunny, "What a morooon!".

I've heard it used before but couldn't say if it was before or after the movie came out. That said, I've never heard used with firearms, only archery.
Never heard that phrase except in the movie.
I have also heard it around archery but not firearms
I only used it while playing golf...
I have used it alot, but I haven't seen the movie. Only in archery though. The idea is simple. If you try to shoot a basketball with your recurve at 50 yards you will most likely miss, If you try to hit the label on the basketball you will quite often hit the ball.

Just like archery hunting, pick a hair not the side of the animal. :thumb
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Aim small miss small makes no sense whatsover. It all comes down to trigger control and sight alignment or that's what my coach drilled into me. I think it works. I had a bunch of people at the public range watching me ring the 200 meter human sihouette with my 45 ACP SIG P220 Carry. There's no way to aim small when the sight is wider than the target. Hold an appropriate amount of the front sight over the rear sight and hope for the best.