Alabama whitetail rut ?
6/10/09 11:34pm
I have a question that has still yet to be answered. The rut here in south Georgia is usually around the first couple of weeks in Oct., and in some counties it happens around the beginning of Nov. Its pretty much like that through-out the south, and I'm sure up North in most places. My question is; 'why is the deer rut in Alabama happening around, and sometimes after the first of the year?
In A NWR they were doing a study about the rut in that area and were asking for dna samples of any deer killed. when I killed a doe and checked it in I asked the same questions. why Jan in Alabama and Nov just across the river in Ga. and I was told it was 2 genic strains of deer. I don't know if this is true or notbut that is what I was told.
Tommy Coley
I also have a lease in Central Alabama, Coosa County, that I have had for 7 years and the deer here tend to rut in January.
We killed a nice 8 pointer last weekend that was in full rut in South Alabama and a couple of good deer the next weekend in Central AL that were in no way rutting. Trail cams show bucks still together in Coosa on night photos under white oak trees and virtually no bucks in South Alabama as they are chasing rather than foraging.
I have also heard that this is due to the genetics of deer brought here from Wisconsin? many years ago. I can't answer that but it seems to make sense. I like the early rut in that it generally produces larger yearlings and few button bucks compared to spikes/4 pointers. Unfortunately the deer are virtually 100% nocturnal once the rut is over so the Coosa rut is more huntable with a rifle.
(latest I've shot a buck tending a doe was Feb 27, but most have been in Nov. Pre-Thanksgiving.)