Albino Moose
1/23/07 9:43am
got these in an email don't know anything about them.
I don't know about most other states but it's illegal to harvest albino animals in WA
Really Cool!
Why would it be illegal to harvest an animal if the color is diferent? Just curious if you know the reasoning behind that. I would much rather see someone take that animal while hunting, maybe mount it and preserve it than to have if die of natural causes never to be seen again, or worse to have it be hit by a care and mangeled to a point were no one can enjoy it.
Is that under the catagory of one othe the states dumb laws. :-k
I have no idea why it's illegal to hunt them but several states do have regs addressing that. Even piebald (sorta spotted)animals are protected in some areas.
I'll look around and see if I can find any logical reason!