All little boys love to fish

My nephews are visiting from the city so I decided to take them fishing in the little creek that runs behind my house. It's barely deeper than the tops of your shoes in most places, but it is stock full of these little 10-14in browns and they are hungry. These kids had never fished before in their lives and they had a blast. Before we were done, they were reading the creek and casting around the trees and reeling in fish one right after the other. Makes me believe that the man upstairs must have put something in our little boy genes that makes us want to catch fish. Hope they go home and bug their city-slicker dad to take them fishing.-----SS
Nicely done shooter!

I was camping a couple weekends ago and helped a 9 year old catch his first, and second fish. My boys thought it was cool their friend cuaght his first but weren't too happy that they didn't catch any.
very cool SS! way to start a kid in the ourdoors :thumb
I still have that in my genes! Love to take my grandson fishing and can't wait to take his two younger sisters (and another on the way) to catch their first fish.
Judging by the look on your face last time we went out, big boys love it too. Good job, hopefully his dad will pick up where you left off.
Springville Shooter
Ya, I'm glad noone has ever had a video camera around when I catch a fish cause I get all giggly like a school girl, but hey, a guys gotta let down his guard sometime. I admit it, I love to catch fish, especially brown trout and steelhead. I still need to work on flyfishing with you Jeff, I want to try fishing hobble creek someday. -------SS
+1 I really enjoy catching the browns out of rivers and streams.