All still packin
2/16/12 7:29pm
Been watchin these bucks all still packin though #-o
Is this an indication of the bucks physical condition?
Do they hang onto antler if they are in really good shape? Let them go early if they are in poor shape? Or the other way around?
Or is it still a touch early & we're just coming to the time of year when they all drop?
I've wondered that myself. It's been a very mild winter here (not complaining at all), and the little bucks are dropping, but the bigger boys are still packing. What I would consider a "normal" time frame (and only by my personal gathering experience) for our area, is around the middle of Feb. I've watched elk hang on to their antlers clear up to the end of April. (That year we had way more snow and colder temps.) Do they retain the antlers for nutritional value?
I've seen a small bull moose a few times up near Old Folks Flat. No idea where you'd find him this time of year. He's not a bruiser, but would be cool to have just the same.
I have seen one up there too and a few on gentry mountain but i have no idea where they winter at to even go look for sheds wish i did though id like to find some.
I've seen two cow moose this winter up around Corner Canyon, thought maybe if I looked hard enough, I'd eventually find the bull. No such luck. I've seen elk hang around Electric Lake in years past, and wondered how far they have to go to winter. Maybe the moose would be in the same area? Maybe the North side of East Mt. somewhere, or somewhere around the polygamist's property? Sounds like they travel a bit, though if you've seen them on Gentry. I know this year, nothing has left the tops of the mountains. :>/
I've been trying to figure out where you were watching those deer. The area looks way familiar. Don't say, it's hard to find good places that 10 million people won't visit. I think I know, but it could be a few places. (It all looks the same around here lol )
Haven't seen the kid out there since then. Went back out this morning and the two bigger bucks are still packing. A three point is still packing one horn and has been for about a month now. A couple of dink two points have dropped but thats it. The two bigger bucks I watched fight agian today and didn't look like they were losing thier horns anytime soon cuz they were hitting pretty hard. But there has been somebody hiking in there just about everyday because every evening after work all the deer are pushed up into a canyon that they never go in orignally. So hopefully the two bigger bucks dont move out before they shed.
I've seen two cow moose this winter up around Corner Canyon, thought maybe if I looked hard enough, I'd eventually find the bull. No such luck. I've seen elk hang around Electric Lake in years past, and wondered how far they have to go to winter. Maybe the moose would be in the same area? Maybe the North side of East Mt. somewhere, or somewhere around the polygamist's property? Sounds like they travel a bit, though if you've seen them on Gentry. I know this year, nothing has left the tops of the mountains. :>/
I've been trying to figure out where you were watching those deer. The area looks way familiar. Don't say, it's hard to find good places that 10 million people won't visit. I think I know, but it could be a few places. (It all looks the same around here lol )[/quote]
Where they are is a good spot i found 47 horns in the area last year one big four by five and and a big single. but i just got back from work in texas and there has been people there looking so they are probly found or chased away. im headed in today to find out though