Almost time!!

Hey there guys (and gals),

I've got about 5 1/2 weeks left and I'm off to unit 711 in Colorado. To say I'm "pumped" is an understatement. I've loaded up on extra camera batteries and memory cards and hope to get a ton of footage for you to enjoy.

Finally getting my hands on a ATV trail and road map, I've been scouring Google Earth to look for some spots I perceive to be good. Seeing as how this is my first time hunting Mule Deer, my perception could be seriously flawed. Huntingal, as well as a few others, have been extraordinarily helpful in providing me with some sound advice and tips about hunting Mule Deer in SW Colorado. The help is greatly appreciated. If anyone has any last minute advice or tips I would certainly be appreciative of that as well. Not looking for Honey Holes, just some sound advice on how I can track down a shooter buck.

Unforatunatly I'm going to be unable to walk long distances and get "miles" away from the ATV trails because I've had some lung surgeries and I'll certainly be sucking some wind going from 60ft elevation up to about 7000ft-8000ft elevation. I did "decently" well in Wyoming at about 5000ft-6000ft but I had to walk slowly and take my time; as well as avoid taking steep inclines. Humping my way across a mountain range is out of the question though I'd love to do it.

Anyway, I'm marking "X"'s on the Calander and am as excited as I can be. I hope all of you have good luck on your hunts this year. Thanks again.

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Do you know where you guys are going to base camp yet, and what part of the unit you'll focus on?

We're going be camping along Disappointment Creek on a trail that runs south off of Disappointment Creek Road. If you find Glade Lake on a map and look directly north of it all the way up to Disappointment Creek Road, you'll see a trail that runs south from Disappointment Creek Road (It "Y's" from the raod). We're supposed to be camping somewhere just south of that "Y." We'll be hunting the BLM and USFS public land anywhere from Disappointment Creek south. But no further west than the Dolores River I'll probably stay west of Glade Mountain. I've found few spots (via Google Earth) kind of in a triangle area between Glade Lake, Glade Mountain, and our camp that I'd like to check out. There's a few places west of Glade Lake that i have marked on a map as well.
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I know that area well. Get away from the roads, as there are usually alot of road hunters and quads just out driving around. They have been running cattle in the area you are staying for the last few years as well, and that usually means the deer go where the cattle will not be. I've been told they have had quite a bit of rain this year too, so water and feed should be abundant. One thing is for sure, if there hasn't been a good storm and snow the deer will not be that low, you'll have to go up high to find them. I've been in the area in a mild year and not seen a track. So far the long range forcasts don't show any cold fronts moving through before then, but that could change. Up by the Glade is usually very crowded with elk hunters, with at least a half dozen camps in the area.
Thanks for the advice. I've been using Google Earth to try and find some areas away from the roads. I, too, have heard they've had a lot of rain this year. All of the long range forecasts I've seen show a little colder than normal November, but normal precipitation. Of course, who knows when the fronts will start flying in... Hopefully the Polar Vortex will make it's debut sometime in October. lol If not I'll just try to head up close to the Dolores River and try to find them above 8,000ft. The bad thing about hunting high, for me, is my lungs. I'm going to be sucking some major wind even around 6000ft-7000ft, so I'll have to be hunting close to the ATV if I'm hunting above 8,000ft. I'm actually curious if anyone has been glassing up any good elk in 711 this year. I've got a buddy that is debating purchasing an OTC bull tag. Thanks for the advice man. If you hear anything specific to this year, between now and then, I'd appreciate you shooting me a message.
