alright do you think
4/20/07 6:53am
do you think that if i seen this buck in a certain area during mid january that he would of dropped his antler in the same area?
I hope this helps you out. If you really want them and nobody goes there you will find them if you try hard enough.
By the way I am no expert just lucky. LOL :))
look around and use your imagination.
try to imagine his feeding areas, and bedding areas, travel routes and emergency escape routes.
a feeding area is more likely to hold his sheds than his bedding area.
and if you can find his travel routes to and from the areas, you've got him pegged!
bigger mule deer antlers take a little nudge to pop off, imagine a buck jumping a fence or across a ditch. kinetic energy will pop more antlers than anything else.
they usually arent trying to "rub" them off, but sometimes "bump" them while feeding, especially if trying to get their lips on some forage under the snow.
I dont mean to get too scientific about it, because I'd rather be lucky than good any day!!! but you can simplify and increase your odds, rather than just roam around the hills trying to trip on bone!