alright do you think

do you think that if i seen this buck in a certain area during mid january that he would of dropped his antler in the same area?
Not really, I thought the same thing myself on a buck. Went back and spent a while looking for his bone, turned up NOTHING. :)
well the thing is my bro found a antelope shed in the area from the year before so that were i figure they winter at
You could be exactly correct! Is it far away, if not go check. :)
40 minutes east. i just plan on goin tomorrow and wondering if its worth it. cause this buck was big. about 32" wide 4x3
Antelope shed WAY before winter,like November.
ya but the deer were there during winter to so do you think it would be or not?
can any of you shed huntin pros help me out?
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I have watched bucks during the winter clear up to later Jan. and they seem to stay close to that area. I have seen them drop within 100 yards of were I have been watching them and some as far as 1-2 miles. What I have seen is that most the deer will stay close to their winter range if they have no or little pressure, but if there has been pressure on them they will move to a closer area. Does seem to not care to much and younger bucks but the bigger boys didnt get that way bye being dumb and will move away. If I were you go and start were you had last seen him take something to mark were you begin and slowly work in a circle and continue this until you find something of his or not. Remember though it is getting later in the year and the sun and weather is already starting to make them loose their color. Just go slow and look if needed mark again as you go.
I hope this helps you out. If you really want them and nobody goes there you will find them if you try hard enough.
By the way I am no expert just lucky. LOL :))
stand in the spot where you last seen him.
look around and use your imagination.
try to imagine his feeding areas, and bedding areas, travel routes and emergency escape routes.
a feeding area is more likely to hold his sheds than his bedding area.
and if you can find his travel routes to and from the areas, you've got him pegged!
bigger mule deer antlers take a little nudge to pop off, imagine a buck jumping a fence or across a ditch. kinetic energy will pop more antlers than anything else.
they usually arent trying to "rub" them off, but sometimes "bump" them while feeding, especially if trying to get their lips on some forage under the snow.

I dont mean to get too scientific about it, because I'd rather be lucky than good any day!!! but you can simplify and increase your odds, rather than just roam around the hills trying to trip on bone!
k thanks. hopefully the weathers good tomorrow and i could go find them! 4c 4c 4c
Yup I would say close by. That is within 1 sq mile. If the buck was there in Jan, most likely where he would be spending the Winter.
well i went out today and you guys are right. i found his one 3 point side and couldnt find the other. ill post pics later
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Congates man. =D>
yep its my very first one and its awesome that i found one of this size for my first one
what buck?