Alrighty then.
12/25/07 9:45pm
So this christmas i got a bow and im way pumped about it. But i got one minor problem. I dont know anything about them :) So i was just wondering what i need for it cause its just the bow by itself. No sights, no quiver, no whatever the else i might need.haha. So help me out. What do i need? How do i chosse what arrows/broadheads to use? Should i take it to a pro shop so then can set it up for me or do it my self? Sorry if this is confusing and ya dont understand
you best be selling your muzz
and the bow is a Pse Nova SU. I heard good things about them for there price now i just gotta know what to get.
But if I can pass along one thing to you whether you shoot carbon or aluminum arrows"ALWAYS CHECK YOUR ARROWS BEFORE SHOOTING THEM"!!!!!