Alrighty then.

So this christmas i got a bow and im way pumped about it. But i got one minor problem. I dont know anything about them :) So i was just wondering what i need for it cause its just the bow by itself. No sights, no quiver, no whatever the else i might need.haha. So help me out. What do i need? How do i chosse what arrows/broadheads to use? Should i take it to a pro shop so then can set it up for me or do it my self? Sorry if this is confusing and ya dont understand
Head to your nearest reputable pro-shop......they should be able to answer any/all your questions. Welcome to the bowhunting's an awesome sport.
Thanks Roy
Like Roy said. Take it to the nearest reputable shop. They will help you set it up with the right stuff.
Well BB, lets hear what kind!! congrats

you best be selling your muzz

"9er" wrote: best be selling your muzz
No way!!! haha. im gonna be dead and gone before anybody ever takes my smokepole

and the bow is a Pse Nova SU. I heard good things about them for there price now i just gotta know what to get.
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welcome to the world of archery.. (ITS THE BEST) Congrats on the new bow, just fair warning that was the cheap part of the sport!! (Its kinda like buying a horse. Thats the cheap part of it) For quality equipment its gonna cost money. Some things that you will for sure need if you are hunting with it is a good pair of sights, quiver, string wax(you can never have enough to keep your string in good order) I personally only shoot carbon arrows now,or a carbon/aluminum type- but some guys I know still like aluminums. (Dont ask me why?? I really see no benefit to them at all) Getting a good "bag target" will also pay dividends while shooting field points they are durable have great stopping power and last longer than other types. If you really want you can make them also. Take old rags-tshirts-jeans, etc... and put them in a gunny or potato sack and wrap it up tight. Most bows today shoot much too fast to shoot into straw. They will go right thru them.. Any other questions feel free to ask. Ive got a good buddy who owns a pro shop, Im sure hed be willing to help ya out anyway he could too. Goodluck and welcome to the group of bowhunters
Thanks heshen. Ill have to remember all that when im shopping for everything for it
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Go outside and take your pocket knife and cut down some straight skinny limbs and make your own arrows. It's much cheaper that way, but of course they don't fly as well. :) Actually, I would listen to Roy and go to the nearest pro shop.
I'll go along with with the others on the pro shop. Another alternative to make some afforadble targets that we have found is a gunny sack stuffed with a bunch of ag bag. What we call ag bag is the plastic that the farmers put their hay in for silage. It's those big long white bags thatyou see sitting on the farms all over. It works great for stopping the arrows and you can pull them back out with just two fingers. I hope that some part of this made at least a little sense.
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I have PSE Nova shoots really smooth
As far as gear goes there is alot of stuff out there so there is alot of opinions....just go what works for you and your budget.

But if I can pass along one thing to you whether you shoot carbon or aluminum arrows"ALWAYS CHECK YOUR ARROWS BEFORE SHOOTING THEM"!!!!!

Haha thanks Marty. Ya i remember your post a while back with that arrow that exploded and went in your hand which raises a question. I hear that certain arrows are made for different poundage bows or something like that and if there to light there more likely to blow up on ya. So how do i know what arrows to get?
Since it's the slow season for hunting now take some time and reaserch any questions online. Most of the quesions that you will have can be found there. It will give you something to do and you will learn alot of other things that you didn't even have questions for. What you are talking about is the spine rating for the arrows and yes there is a corlation between spine rating and bow poundage. But even with the correctly spined arrow there can still be problems and you will still want to check each arrow before shoooting them. I was practicing one day and when I picked up an arrow and looked at it I saw that one of the other arrows had just nicked it and had cracked the shaft. So now I check each and every one every time. For starting off I would find some cheap arrows to start practicing with so that when you miss or hit the ground you don't feel so bad about destroying or losing them.
Everybody up above gave lots of sound advice. I'd like to add also that when it comes to accessories to put on your bow everything comes down to personal preference. I would like to suggest looking into the whisker bisquit as an arrow rest because it is easy to keep your arrow in the rest and you can concentrate on more important things like correct shooting form instead of worrying about your arrow falling off of the rest. As you get better you can change to a more advanced rest. But for now you just want to shoot lots of arrows and get good at shooting. I am also new to the archery world and have been shooting since June of 2007. Hope this is helpful, fatrooster.
Thanks guys. I got me a whisker biscuit today.
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I have a pse nova