Aluminum or Carbon
#1DEER 1-I
7/9/08 7:55pm
I am going to buy new arrows soon and am wondering, all I have used is carbon. Which would you choose and why Carbon or Aluminum arrows?
Carbon arrows have come a long way. Some of the higher end shafts from Gold Tip and Carbon Express are as straight as the ACCs were, and fly superbly. They are lighter and recover and stabilize very quickly. I would definately use premium carbon arrows from here out. All carbons are not equal. The cheaper arrows are not as straight as the high end ones. As the speed of the bows increases the more perfect the arrow is the better it will fly. Definately so with broadheads!!
The tail shaft was stuck into my hand.
Chuck Adams still shoots aluminum, so don't let anyone tell you they wont work, or they suck, they have killed a crap load of animals thats for sure!
BOTH carbon and aluminum occilate when you shoot them, just that carbon doesn't do it as much, carbons dont get bent, and carbons are generally smaller diameter which allows better penetration, however less stable flight. Carbons have come way down in price and gotten stiffer and straighter, some of the early ones were scary!
Its a matter of personal choice, but my vote is Carbon. . . . but Hey. . . if someone were to sponsor me to shoot aluminum again, I would probably take them up again! :arrow