Amazing shot

Not sure on the photographer, but pretty amazing shot." alt="" />
Makes you want to know how that turned out for sure!!
"Tonoonyi" wrote:Makes you want to know how that turned out for sure!!
+1- First thought was the fox would win, but when you look at how the talons basically totally encompass the back end of the fox, I dont know if he could really fight back?
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For sure what a great shot.
Springville Shooter
My first reaction is that the eagle would win, but from what I know about birds of prey, they are very slightly built and cannot endure any kind of fight. I think that if the eagle took any kind of damage from the fox that he would give up and live to fight another day. One good bite to the leg, or wing and he is a dead bird.-------SS
How no idea who would win, but DANG that is a cool shot.
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Great Photo:
With the Golden Eagle: the key if the Eagle is able to get flight with the fox in it's gasp: Game Over
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Wow! This paints a thousand words! Great shot!
Coyote LJ
Fantastic image. Very obviously fake though. Whoever did it is real good at photoshop, but it's still easy to see it isn't real. Lots of places you can see it, but the far right edge of the fox is one spot that sticks out like a sore thumb. Looks like something had to be cut out from the fox image that made it impossible to get a better composite.

Still, it's neat, I like it. Took some skill and the original eagle shot must have been pretty darn good in it's own right. That fox wasn't there though.

I'd put my money on a Golden against a Red every time. And give odds.

- Dave
Couldn't find anything on that photo but here is another." alt="" />

Snopes claims this to be true.
You can see it at the link below.
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Both are cool shots that's for sure. Even if the first one is a fake.
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A Golden Eagle will have a Fox for a snack, no problem. Golden Eagles that have just shown up in the last few years on the Catalina Islands in California are quickly sending a subspieces of gray fox that live out there into extinction. Do a few searches you will find some crazy stuff.

A Golden Eagle's talons can be as much as 4 inches long. When they strike they drive all 8 of them in and out over and over in a rapid grasping motion. It is kind of like what O.J. Simpson did to Nicole. They can and do drive them through the skull of some of their prey. There feet and talons are super powerful. 750 psi , around 15 times more pressure than is exerted by the human hand. They can wiegh up to 15lbs and have a wingspan over 9 feet.