Amazing Video

This has to be one of the craziest and creepiest things i ever seen. watch the vid.

p.s. it might be kinda hard for some to watch but still amazing vid
that is pretty wild. i have a 1 yr old little girl and that really makes you think :-k :-k i will probably do a little research on it.
Amazing vid! It's always good to teach them young.
Call me an idiot if you'd like but I think video is a bunch of crap! The older kids I'm fine with but the young boy in blue which is most of the video is simply stupid IMO, and garbage.

How about just don't let the kid out of your site at that age. I know, I know easier said than done. But I'm not buying that AT ALL for that age, in a real situation I think he would be dead and drowned fast.
"MuleyMadness" wrote:Call me an idiot if you'd like but I think video is a bunch of crap! The older kids I'm fine with but the young boy in blue which is most of the video is simply stupid IMO, and garbage.

How about just don't let the kid out of your site at that age. I know, I know easier said than done. But I'm not buying that AT ALL for that age, in a real situation I think he would be dead and drowned fast.
oh dont get me wrong, never ever would i depend on that swing class for a babies safty, no way! but it is interesting if i had a pool or something like that around it would locked up so there was no chance of a baby getting into it.
i did read, or hear,or remember someone telling me :)) or heck maybe i'm just going to make this up :)) kidding, but i did hear that if you teach babies when they are very young they already know how to swim instictivly. it's when you dont let tham use it for yrs that later they have to learn (???) like i said i dont remember where i heard this, maybe it's a bunch of B.S. (???)
that is hard to believe that a baby that age can do that.
Thats not a baby its a midget in a ONSIE! :thumb
As hard as it is to believe, I think it's true. I live in Phoenix, where there are probably more pools per capita than nearly anywhere else on earth. Each summer the media launches a huge "watch your kids around water" campaign, because of the very large number of drownings of small children in pools each summer. Part of this program normally involves the media promoting the companies that teach these skills to infants. I've never heard anything negative about them, and the news media promotes them, so they appear to be completely legitimate.