Another 12 year old kid - MONSTER buck!

I spent some time in Kanab this past weekend, where I was shown several pics of this Monster buck. Taken by a 12 year old from Kanab, can't remember his name now though.

Story is well, it wasn't a tough hunt. :)

Congrats to the young man, coolest part is that I watched this buck all summer some 30 miles north of where it was killed and have several photos and even short video of him.

He is an awesome buck, with a few extra small points that can't be seen. I think he was 32" wide and I guessed 33" during my summer trips. One of the coolest, biggest bucks I have ever seen. Didn't top on on tine length as much as I thought he might but still a WOW factor ever time I saw him.

Oh he is the same buck as the photo on the home page also (right).
My pics during summer...
Lord Almighty!!!
And here is my short video clip...

mapleton archer
i love it ! its nice to see the way the bucks look in velvet compared to hard horned nice shots brett and nice buck to the hunter , he will be hard to beat.
That's just not right.
That is one lucky kid! Its cool that you have video of that buck, I hope that kid see's it.
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What a way to start hunting and congratulations to the hunter. I will spend the rest of my life looking for a deer like that and will probably never see one. I heard a story of a 14 year old kid shooting a monster buck near the base of pine valley this year, only to have it run over the hill before it died and an older guy put a bullet in it before he got over the ridge and pretty much ran the kid off. I enjoy these success stories from young hunters because they are the future.
what a buck and great photos! Congrats to the young man who tagged him, but you have to wonder if it will peak his passion for hunting or if it wrecked it. I know many youths that tag big bucks easily in the youth season here in our state, then some give up on seems the ones who take small bucks and does or have challenging hunts tend to stay with it. I hope that kid keeps the fire lit and keeps hunting!

Either way I just hope to see a big buck that that someday! :not-worthy :thumb
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Congrats to the young man, but he needs to kow he is ruined for life. What a first buck! and great befroe and after pics, too.
Beautiful buck! CONGRATS to the young man!

Brett, did you offer to give the young man a couple pics of the buck on the hoof? I just thought it would be cool to have harvest photos and live photos of his "trophy of a young lifetime."
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Yep it's an awesome buck. It's even more impressive in person, and don't worry about it ruining the kid, I know him and he's pretty oblivious to what he actually killed, if anything he's more excited about hunting than he ever has been. Pretty awesome.
All I can say is wow. That is an incredible buck. A few more years of hunting and I think he'll come to truely appreciate what he has there.