Another 2007 N Idaho Whitetail

Well guys and gals, Ed...AKA at MuleyMadness made the trip to N Idaho to hunt whitetails in the same area I do my whitetail hunting. Looks like he had a successful trip this year too!

It's not the biggest buck in the woods but sure will taste great this winter. He'll hopefully be loggin' on here shortly to give us a rundown/story on the hunt.

He also included a few pics of the country we hunt em in to give ya an idea of what it looks like out there.

CONGRATS Ed! Hopefully we'll be able to hit those fields/trees together in the future.
Congrats on the success, looks cold and wet. But good hunting weather.

Great pictures!
Looks like a great day in the woods.

Here was my deer woods a couple weeks ago, but it was all gone by noon." alt="" />

I love to hunt in the snow.
Nice pics, White Tail hunting is sure fun. That country looks a lot like the White Tail country in Northern Minnesota. We have a lot of Pines and mixed hardwood forests.