Another 3rd Season in SW Colorado!
4/8/16 3:43pm
Well, I put in an application for Colorado Units 711 and 71 for the 3rd season Deer again. I've got a 50% chance of getting drawn for mule deer, but will be going to camp and scout regardless. If I don't draw for deer, I'm seriously considering buying an OTC elk for 711/71. 18hrs is a long ride to shoot rabbits. lol. The only person to see elk last time was my dad and he was in such thick cover he couldn't see the whole herd. He had calves run up on him, spook, and then run. We have some buddies that killed 2 elk in 711 last year during the third season, so I'm hoping (if I don't draw deer) that an elk tag won't go to waste in my pocket. Good luck to everyone during the application process.
I imagine you're turkey hunting as I type this, but good luck regardless.
I think these animals are smarter than we give them credit. Good luck. I'd like to see a photo when you get one!
It was nice meeting you 2 years ago Brian, and I'm sure we'll see you again this year. We'll have our normal group of 6 this year, not just my buddy and I like when we saw you 2 years back. Might add a few more with OTC elk tags like you are talking.
So are you guys going to move higher where the elk are? How many guys this year?
Interesting that you guys saw elk. We saw a few cows last time we deer hunted there, but that was the only time in 30 years of hunting down there that my dad had seen elk. Usually being there that late all of the elk have tucked back up high once the rut is over, especially the bulls. Over where we were hunting, we never saw elk below 10,500' because it was so warm.
On your deer hunt, just be careful down by the creek, as it is the actual unit boundry. If you get caught on the wrong side the wardens usually aren't real happy.
We'll definitely stay in touch and hope for weather!
I'll keep my fingers crossed on the weather!