Another big day
11/10/12 10:25pm
I headed out last week to a spot where I found a few sheds during hunting season hoping to find more. I finished the day with 9 sheds, including a 125" brown 5 point elk that weighed 8 pounds and was in perfect condition. It was in the shade and kept it's color. It was one of the largest I found this year. I found it about 30 yards from where somebody shot a bull this year. There was another nice 5 point that was fresh but most of the rest were older and not good quality. A lot of them were buried in leaves with only a point or two sticking out. I have a feeling there are a bunch more under all the leaves. I think my shed year is about done unless we have another dry winter. Either way, I'm looking forward to spring!

11/17/12 5:56pm
nice. got to love finding brown this late!

11/18/12 8:19am
Nice work, you've had an awesome year.