Another Book Cliffs Buck

The Book Cliffs is a very fun hunt. Here's a picture of the buck my dad shot during the 2010 any weapon hunt out there." alt="" />
He's nice and symetrical with deep forks and nice eye guards too. He took this one on Wednesday, the 5th day of the hunt. We had found some other shooters but were never able to get a shot off. We found one really nice deer and chased him around all day on one of the days but never sealed the deal. We estimated him around 26" to 28" wide and just a nice looking tall buck. It was a fun hunt and we saw lots of bucks like the one he ended up taking.
Good looking buck for sure. Congrats to your dad.

Pretty buck, congrats. Would like to try the Books some day myself.
Congrats to your dad on a nice buck. :thumb
Congrats to your dad. Very handsome buck. Do you have any more pictures?
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I've got some more pics but they are all the same pic with just different people in our hunting group holding the antlers. I cropped the above pic to remove the person out of it because I didn't ask him if I could post his mug on the internet. Unfortunately, my dad didn't have his camera in the field when he got the buck so the pictures were taken back at camp.