Another Cow down
8/25/08 7:12am
Well, the luck is still holding out. I smoked a cow Saturday morning about 10 am...we had just started back up the ridge and heard some chirping at the bottom of a draw...I set my son up next to a big pine and ranged a few trees for him...I hassled back up to the top on the ridge and started calling with my "hootchie" and a open-reed call...immediantely a nice cow ran by Danny at 5 yrds #-o ...that left him pretty ran up to me at 10 and I just couldn't not shoot. <--------) ..hit her in the sweet spot. :not-worthy ..she just flinched and looked around....then kinda started walking off....15 secs later she started staggering and flopped over... =D> end of my hunting...good meat, great, just need to go back out next weekend and get the boy a BIG cow. xcrossx ****banana
Nice job.