Another NONYA Post Removal
9/25/09 6:27pm
Moderators and Brett:
Just so you know, I recently removed another post of NONYA's in the Mule Deer section. The post was created by a forum member who basically asked a question about the Saratoga, WY area and it's trophy potential, etc....... Cole (NONYA) sort of "flamed out" on two separate members in the thread basically accusing them of "e-scouting" and being too lazy to find out themselves. I removed it before the war began.......but one poster did reply before I could....although the reply was appropriate, IMO.
Personally, I'm getting tired of removing his rhetoric and personal attacks.......even more tired of PM'ing him explaining why I removed it, as he now feels I'm the only moderator who has problems with him. As a result, I no longer PM explaining why I removed something.
Even when Brett suspended him, he used a different screen name and continued to post. The PM's I receive from new members and old alike are becoming more frequent regarding his rude behavior at times. I really can't understand him sometimes, as he can be very pleasant one day, apologizing to me for the comments made, then turn right around and make another rude comment towards someone.
You may want to watch some of his next few posts......especially when he sees it was removed in the above mentioned thread.
Just so you know, I recently removed another post of NONYA's in the Mule Deer section. The post was created by a forum member who basically asked a question about the Saratoga, WY area and it's trophy potential, etc....... Cole (NONYA) sort of "flamed out" on two separate members in the thread basically accusing them of "e-scouting" and being too lazy to find out themselves. I removed it before the war began.......but one poster did reply before I could....although the reply was appropriate, IMO.
Personally, I'm getting tired of removing his rhetoric and personal attacks.......even more tired of PM'ing him explaining why I removed it, as he now feels I'm the only moderator who has problems with him. As a result, I no longer PM explaining why I removed something.
Even when Brett suspended him, he used a different screen name and continued to post. The PM's I receive from new members and old alike are becoming more frequent regarding his rude behavior at times. I really can't understand him sometimes, as he can be very pleasant one day, apologizing to me for the comments made, then turn right around and make another rude comment towards someone.
You may want to watch some of his next few posts......especially when he sees it was removed in the above mentioned thread.
I used to PM him when I removed a post of his too but stopped a while back. I too got tired of having to do so.
Man, it just never ends. He will be GREAT for a few months and then BAM...he'll fall off the deep end.
He's already been "suspended" for a while. Is it time for an all-out ban?
REAL tired of him long ago.
He's bi-polar, at the very least!
I don't usually call people names, but this guy is a TOOL...
I wish the guy would just grow a little I liked having him around sometimes.
But here was my reply to him (I encourage NONE of you to reply or respond to him) your choice of course. If he doesn't like my response, so be it and I don't care. He will be banned, and sorry my patience is gone and I won't miss him.
I too know that Cole has the ability to give pertinent information on specific topics, however, his continual disrespect to members (after the numerous warnings) here definitely outweigh his infrequent quality postings, IMO. The clincher for me was when Brett specifically asked him and primal215 not to trash a thread with their rhetoric.......two posts later, ol" NUNYA spews it right out. When the owner of the board can't even get compliance, why have him here?