Another one bites the dust
Thunder Head
2/17/10 8:08am
Over the years i have seen alot of yotes while hunting other prey at this farm. I have called here 7-8 times since december. I finaly got one to come in. I put the caller in a brush pile in the pasture. Went up wind and set with my back to the fence. Turned rodent distress on low, it didnt take 1 minute before i heard one coming up the hollow behind me. I reposinted so i could shoot down the fence. He stepped up to the barb wire and stopped. I was trying to decide if i could sneak the shot past the wire, when he came under. He trotted about 10 yards and stopped to jump a ditch. It was only 45 yds. or so. The .223 spoke and it was all over for this small male. " alt="" />

good looking yote
using an electronic call?