ANOTHER outfitter goes down in MT
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WOW! Sure looks like you guys in Montana have more than your fair share of two-legged coyotes. But calling these guys outfitters seems to be a real loose use of that term. I don't see where any of them are licensed outfitters, just crooks breaking the law. I'm glad to see that Montana is doing good work and finding these criminals and getting convictions. Now I just hope the judges give them serious sentences.

Thanks for keeping us informed.
They are all OUTFITTING hunters,some have liscences,some dont,all of them think they own this state.
what the heck are these guys thinking? not that it is EVER o.k. to pull stunts like that, but they are also doing for $500.00 and kept $1200.00 a year? seems like an EXTREAM gamble for such a little payday. but again even if they were getting paid a couple hundres grand a year it still is foolish. hope they stick it to them.
the ages of the ranch owners, i think it was something like 74 and 68, makes you wonder if a couple of old people were taken advantage of, if so i hope the person behind it gets whatever the highest penalty is :>/ :>/