Antelope Advice Needed!

Hello everyone, my name is Eric and I'm trying to put together an antelope hunting trip in Wyoming around Oct 2009. I live in GA and have hunted only whitetail deer in dense GA woods. I am looking for any and all advice anyone could provide. I would like to hunt on public lands and will have a group of 4-5 friends. I have no knowledge of hunting antelope, the equipment needed, or where to hunt. I am currently hunting with a Remington Model 7 chambered in 308. For the close shots in GA this rifle is fine, however I am not sure that it will suffice for shots greater than 300 yds. This leads me to question #1: What is the average distance at which anteope are harvested? Question #2: Where should I hunt? Question #3: Any miscellaneous advice? Thank you in advance for you input on these inqueries.
Snake River Marksman
A 150gr 308 is just fine for antelope. They're about the size of a medium whitetail doe. I've killed, or been there when they were killed for about a dozen antelope, and have never seen the first shot be more than about 200yds. Practice from a bipod or shooting sticks to 400 yds and relax you'll be good to go. Get a rangefinder. A good one. Leica is what I use. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE your shooting. Especially in the wind. Most of the areas East of Casper have HUGE populations of antelope and large tracts of public land. Area 25, 26, 113 and several others are nearly 100% successful for draws for out of staters and have plenty of places to hunt. If it rains or snows, STAY OFF THE PRAIRIE! the bentonite clay is clingy and slick and you'll likely be stuck for a very long time. Antelope are much less spooky and easier to get in range of early in the season. Get there a day or two before opening day. Learn what a decent antelope looks like and what the two tracks are like and you'll be tagged out on opening day. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
The Ox
308 is plenty and then some... around here in southern utah the antelope can be a bit spooky they are also said to have the eyes of a 8power pair of binoculars and can see slight movements from long distances... for spotting antleope from long distances look for little white dots almost look like little lights from a distance... (depending on the suns angle)... and they can be darker spots as well... a decent lenght set of horns on antleop is double there ear length that should put ya in the 12''+ range which is by far! no monster but depending on the area and quality of it it may be a shooter.. not familiar with wyoming at all.. there is a possibility for long shots so practice to 400+ for the insurance of it!
if your looking for a high scorer... mass is probably around 40% of score so the heavier the better, look for long prongs...(where the horn splits from the main part of the horn) most of all just find one that you like and will be happy with
try to find a lot of pics of them so ya can judge what a good one looks like....
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Thanks for the input. I really appreciate it. Practicing shooting is going to be crucial. My brother and I took shots from 100, 200, and 300 yds and I have to say that at 300 yds I need a lot of practice. Any idea where I can find a map of the public hunting areas/units in Wyoming?
Everything you ever wnated to know. These are 2008 maps but I dont think the bounderies will change. :thumb
"easy1" wrote:Thanks for the input. I really appreciate it. Practicing shooting is going to be crucial. My brother and I took shots from 100, 200, and 300 yds and I have to say that at 300 yds I need a lot of practice. Any idea where I can find a map of the public hunting areas/units in Wyoming?
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Great, this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks